Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of kangweisiong , which houses his mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Life is unpredictable...
Monday, January 28, 2008 @ 7:50 AM

You never know what is coming
for you in the future.
I never know whether I will
pass away due to disease or car accident.
But one thing I sure of is that I live my
life for the sake of living.
Sound weird???Chinese new year is around the corner,
I haven't even buy my clothes.

I like to tell everyone I love my friends, especially
my two best buddy, jia hui and jia wei.
Both of them are really good buddy,
I hope I will meet those kind of friends in
the future.